Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tricks of the Trade

Finally, I finished this.
I know all the tricks of the trade. How not to become too enamored with your work. How not to accidently drink paint thinner instead of your tea.

it's some kind of release
spontaneous abandon
opening/uncovering some well
of untapped energy
trying to focus it
decipher it
pick it apart
just let it be
so that it works for me
instead of against me

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

While I was Making Chicken Soup, Someone was Making Art

I could say it a million pleading times. "Don't go into Mommy's studio without her permission, please." "I don't mind if you use Sharpies, but you have to let me know first." "Please don't take things from Mommy's room, then I wont be able to find them when you are at school." "No, I'm not mad, but please don't do this again." ...blahda, blahda, blahda.... All of it wasted breath. He's five, but he's not going to be able to milk the "I forgot." much longer. I'm still not used to this. My first child is like Dudley Do-Right. But, the second one, not-so-much.

Really, I'm happy in spite of it all. I feel like I'm raising a little artist, a self-sufficient kid who, luckily, does his own thing. Sometimes I just wish he would listen a little better and oh yeah, I wish he wouldn't do it with MY stuff! (He has his own art box with REAL grown-up art supplies (well, minus the Sharpies) and his own art table and sketch book.) Maybe I need to make him his own studio. Last night we were making small drawings together and he said, "Mom, I think mine are really better than yours."

The Collaboration:

I laughed so hard it hurt. Good thing I was thinking of reworking this and thinking of gessoing the whole thing. Ultimately, I'm flattered.