Saturday, May 29, 2010

Blue Birdcage Dress Painting

As promised, here are the details of the birds from the 'Blue Birdcage Dress' painting. Notice the areas toward the left and to the top that are out of focus. I dropped my camera a while back and it fell with the lens open. I just noticed that the lens is a little crooked and makes things out of focus on one side. I really need a new camera....hmm....

The lighter yellow color you see in the detail above is more true to the actual painting. I did the painting on paper and just adhered it to a panel. Couldn't get rid of all of the air bubbles...unfortunate. I'll have to try to do something about that if possible.

day four: works in progress

Friday, May 28, 2010

Poppies 2010 (watercolor pencil and pen)

Poppies 2010 (detail)

City Sidewalk 2001

Thursday, May 27, 2010

day two: works in progress


P's Box

P's Box (detail)

P's Box

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

works in progress....

Bird Cage Dress w/ P's Box & sketches

Bird Cage Dress w/P's box & sketches

Bird Cage Dress w/P's Box & sketches

Little Black Mourning Dress

Little Black Mourning Dress

P's Box (early)

Bird Cage Dress w/P's Box

Bird Cage Dress

Wednesday, May 12, 2010





jasper's drawing from a few months ago

...finishing my drawing started months ago inspired by Jasper's drawing