Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's been a while...October...November...December...Ah.....here it is...January! And not a moment too soon.

January sees me like no other month. Like everyone else, I go through the process of re-evaluating my life simply because it is the start of a new year. January sees me ask questions. January sees me look back. January sees me take note. And, January sees me reach out to my dreams across the white expanse of what could be. I start things in January. 

This year it became glaringly apparent that I tend to stumble across the same unrealized dreams and desires each year and then get tripped up on the road named "how to get there." Actually, it might not be a road at all. It feels much more like a carpet the way I trip on it. Nagging at me each January are the dreams I'm not living. The desires that have gone unfulfilled. With no magic map in my hands, I've reached many a years' end talking myself out of those dreams. Out of habit, I construct massive dichotomies, towering walls that block my every move.

January also sees me clean my studio and vow to work in it more. As I promise myself to not let day to day things and responsibilities overshadow my desire to create by July I tend to lose the focus. This year, I woke with that same call to action, maybe even a bit more. My hope for 2012 is to tease out enough of the fibers of my dreams and bundle them together to make a strong rope to pull myself toward fulfilling those dreams in spite of my fears, doubts and ability to get distracted or tripped up. So there January! I've cleaned my studio, made short term and long term goals (this time) and am actively seeking out other artists for community and inspiration. According to this essay I read on the  illustrationfriday blog it takes 10 years or 10,000 hours of practice to develop expertise. I have plenty of time to perfect my art. It takes time. But, most of all it takes...less talk, more action. Just doing it. So, I'm going to go get busy now!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

for all things there is a season
to reason as much
time has passed 
and is reaching up 
through the cracks in the floorboard 
grabbing at my ankles, slowing me down
allowing me to see
what is sure to become of me

I've been hiding behind
the victim's mask of
I can't do that
too much time has passed

my dreams are too big 
they would take years
to complete
years I don't have 
so I sit still
in my seat
and dream
and do

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Works from The Dress Series

You can see these lovely pieces in person at ION through July 17th! 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tricks of the Trade

Finally, I finished this.
I know all the tricks of the trade. How not to become too enamored with your work. How not to accidently drink paint thinner instead of your tea.

it's some kind of release
spontaneous abandon
opening/uncovering some well
of untapped energy
trying to focus it
decipher it
pick it apart
just let it be
so that it works for me
instead of against me